
Meet Beth

Hey ya'll. I'm Beth Lawrence. Wife Supreme to one good looking preacher, and Queen Mother to two bios and one foster.
I have a knack for helping women feel less crazy while inspiring them to pursue Christ like crazy.

Welcome to my site!

There are a few things you should know about me... 

First, I love God's word. It thrills me like little else in this world and I'm wild about teaching it to other women. I've been at it for almost 20 years and it's a passion I couldn't escape if I tried. 

Second, doing life with Jesus has been one unexpected thrill after another and I'm not good at keeping the stories to myself. It works out well since, reportedly, hearing about my adventures tends to encourage others to live theirs as well. 

Third, I believe in keeping it real. Not because it's natural for me, because quite frankly I've spent too much of my life telling people the words they want to hear. But I've gotten a taste of the freedom that transparency brings. And it is so much more fun than being "Mrs. My House Is Always Clean and My Kids Never Eat Their Boogers." You can expect honesty and too much information from me. 

I hope you are encouraged by what you find here. I publish twice a week, writing about how God intersects with my everyday life. Nothing about my existence has been untouched by Him, and He uses all of it to teach me about having a faith without fences. I hope to inspire you toward the same. 

Before I forget, let me invite you to add your email to the subscription box. That way you won't miss a thing.

Oo, and please hang out with me on Facebook and Twitter! I love hearing from you.

While you're here, check out a few of my reader's favorite posts about my latest wild adventure...fostering a darling baby boy! 

A New Direction, Again, Some More: Deciding to Foster
Life Changing Love
The Other Mother

If you are interested in knowing more about this crazy life God has called me to, take a peek at My Story in a Nutshell. There has been nary a dull moment.


  1. Stopping by from the Allume link up :) Your site looks great!

  2. Thank you Misty! Look forward to meeting you there.
